The other causes of acne can be wide and varied, but you must remember that a “Blocked Pore” is still the main cause of your Acne forming.
There are other contributing factors which can increase the chances of your Pores Blocking and reducing them will help you treat your Acne.
Below is a small list of some of the things you need to consider when trying to Treat Your Acne or selecting an Acne Treatment.
The other causes of acne can contribute to your problem and make your Skincare and Acne Condition harder to Treat;
* Oily Skin - If you have Oily Skin, this can greatly increase the chances of Acne and Pimples forming.
The increased production of Sebum can build up very quickly when a pore is blocked, and this is why they can suddenly appear overnight.
Puberty and Oily Skin combined can be an incredibly bad combination of the other causes of acne and will need to be treated in some way or you may always suffer from Acne.
* Oily Hair - People who have Oily Skin usually have Oily Hair as well. If you have both it will be necessary to know how you can look after your Hair and Skin to help with your Acne Condition.
Having Two(2) of the most significant factors which can contribute to the blocking of your pores, can be easy for you to maintain and help your skin improve with the right products.
With these two factors plus the effects of puberty, you will need to put in a bit of effort to improve your Skin.
* MakeUp – Many women wear Makeup, some men(?) as well, and this can be one of the other causes of acne contributing to your problem and should also be considered.
Wearing Makeup for long periods of time can stop the pores of your Facial Skin from performing their Natural Process and Sebum starts to build up.
A Blocked Pore with a build up of Sebum already under the Skin, will create big Pimples that form quickly.
Also, if you do not remove and clean your Makeup off properly each day, you may have a constant problem with Breakouts. ( Always Clean Off Your Makeup Before Going To Bed, leaving it on when going to bed is A Big NO-NO! )
* Birth Control Pills - If you have Flare ups or Breakouts during or directly after your menstrual period, it may be due to your birth control pill.
Some Contraception Pills and the fluctuation of your Hormones can be some of the other causes of acne, because they can increase the amount of Sebum your body produces, which can increase the odds of your Pores becoming blocked dramatically.
If you suffer from Acne and take a Birth Control Pill , visit your doctor and speak to them about the issue. Some type’s of Birth Control Pill’s can actually help improve your Acne and is worth looking into.
The Other Causes of Acne Tips
Acne is caused by a Blocked Pore and if any of these factors or the other causes of acne above may be contributing to your condition, it can make your treatment success more difficult.
* Any small effort you make to reduce any other causes of Acne, can greatly assist with your Acne Treatment solution.
> Oily Skin - Find an Acne Treatment which is designed for Oily Skin Types, this will help stop the other causes of acne and improve your skin quickly and easily.
> Oily Hair - There are many different Hair Products which can help you with your Oily Hair condition, you may have to wash your hair more often or put in the effort to look after it, but it can help reduce your Acne problem.
> Make-Up - Your Make-up can block your pores very easily, so a Quality Cleanser to remove it is necessary. There are many Make-up products available which can help people with Acne problems and are good for your Skin.
> Birth Control Pill’s - Some type’s of pill can make your Hormones fluctuate and the body produces more Sebum than is needed. Speak to your doctor as some type’s of Birth Control Pill’s can actually help improve your Acne condition.
* Any effort to reduce any of the other causes of acne or contributing factors will help you get quicker and more effective improvements with your Acne Treatment success!
* To Read More of “What You Can Do and How”, this Article will Help You find a Solution; “How To Get Rid of Pimples”